Go for IT

A webinar series on statistics, machine learning and R

The “Go for IT” webinar series was created together with Bettina Baessler and hosted by the German Radiological Society (DRG).

Big data, radiomics and artificial intelligence - these are some of the buzz words currently dominating many discussions in the radiological community. However, not everybody is familiar with these topics that will undoubtedly influence much of the future of radiology. We felt that in order to enable radiologists (and others) to have meaningful discussions on such issues it would be helpful to proviode basic knowledge of the relevant concepts.

Fig. 01 - people we need

Therefore, we designed this this 15-part webinar series in which more theoretical lectures on statistics were alternated with hands-on sessions of programming in R and RStudio. In the course of the series we tried to cover basics of statistics and programming in R and applied these to practical examples from daily radiological practice as well as to more advanced scientific scenarios such as radiomics.

We have also written a complete accompanying guide: “Go for IT” - bookdown

Fig. 02 - go for it bookdown


  • status: concluded, recordings available online (conrad)
  • target audience: all members of the German Radiological Society (DRG)
Daniel Pinto dos Santos
Assistant Professor

My research interests include data science, artificial intelligence and structured reporting in radiology.